390 research outputs found

    Psychedelic Therapy for Serious Illness and End of Life Care

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    Webinar: September 28, 2023, 4-6 pm. Articles about psychedelic treatments for serious illness and end of life care seem to be everywhere. Rarely a week goes by without a newly published study appearing in a peer-reviewed medical journal, usually followed by reports of the study in prominent news outlets. In this webinar, we will present recent research on this topic, provide an update on the current legislation efforts to legalize these treatments in Washington State, and reflect on proposed treatment guidelines how legalization may impact treatment plans. Panelists include: Dr. David Gruenwald, Medical Director of the Palliative Care and Hospice Service at VA Puget Sound Health Care System Lisa Yeager, MSW, LICSW, CPTR Licensed Independent Clinical Social Worker Jesse Salomon, J.D. Democratic State Senator representing the 32nd Legislative District in Washington Moderated by Devyani Chandran, Director, Palliative Care Institute, Western Washington University, Bellingham, Washingto

    International standards for early fetal size and pregnancy dating based on ultrasound measurement of crown-rump length in the first trimester of pregnancy.

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    OBJECTIVES: There are no international standards for relating fetal crown-rump length (CRL) to gestational age (GA), and most existing charts have considerable methodological limitations. The INTERGROWTH-21(st) Project aimed to produce the first international standards for early fetal size and ultrasound dating of pregnancy based on CRL measurement. METHODS: Urban areas in eight geographically diverse countries that met strict eligibility criteria were selected for the prospective, population-based recruitment, between 9 + 0 and 13 + 6 weeks' gestation, of healthy well-nourished women with singleton pregnancies at low risk of fetal growth impairment. GA was calculated on the basis of a certain last menstrual period, regular menstrual cycle and lack of hormonal medication or breastfeeding in the preceding 2 months. CRL was measured using strict protocols and quality-control measures. All women were followed up throughout pregnancy until delivery and hospital discharge. Cases of neonatal and fetal death, severe pregnancy complications and congenital abnormalities were excluded from the study. RESULTS: A total of 4607 women were enrolled in the Fetal Growth Longitudinal Study, one of the three main components of the INTERGROWTH-21(st) Project, of whom 4321 had a live singleton birth in the absence of severe maternal conditions or congenital abnormalities detected by ultrasound or at birth. The CRL was measured in 56 women at < 9 + 0 weeks' gestation; these were excluded, resulting in 4265 women who contributed data to the final analysis. The mean CRL and SD increased with GA almost linearly, and their relationship to GA is given by the following two equations (in which GA is in days and CRL in mm): mean CRL = -50.6562 + (0.815118 × GA) + (0.00535302 × GA(2) ); and SD of CRL = -2.21626 + (0.0984894 × GA). GA estimation is carried out according to the two equations: GA = 40.9041 + (3.21585 × CRL(0.5) ) + (0.348956 × CRL); and SD of GA = 2.39102 + (0.0193474 × CRL). CONCLUSIONS: We have produced international prescriptive standards for early fetal linear size and ultrasound dating of pregnancy in the first trimester that can be used throughout the world

    Sistema de control interno y gestión institucional de la Unidad de Gestión Educativa Local de Alto Amazonas – Yurimaguas

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    The objective of the research was to determine the relationship that exists between the internal control system and the administrative management of the Alto Amazonas Local Educational Management Unit - Yurimaguas, 2020. The research was basic type, non-experimental, cross-sectional and descriptive correlational design, the population was 83 and the sample was 56 collaborators, the survey was used as a technique and the questionnaire as an instrument. The results determined that internal control has a very bad level with 41%, likewise institutional management has a level of never with 41%. Concluding that the Spearman's Rho correlation coefficient obtained a value of 0.821 indicating a high positive correlation, indicating that there is a significant relationship between the Internal Control System and the Institutional Management of the Alto Amazonas Local Educational Management Unit - Yurimaguas 2020.La investigación tuvo como objetivo determinar la relación que existe entre el sistema de control interno y la gestión administrativa de la Unidad de Gestión Educativa Local Alto Amazonas – Yurimaguas, 2020. La investigación fue tipo básica, diseño no experimental, transversal y descriptivo correlacional, la población fue de 83 y la muestra fue de 56 colaboradores, se empleó como técnica la encuesta y como instrumento el cuestionario. Los resultados determinaron que el control interno tiene un nivel muy malo con un 41%, asimismo la gestión institucional tiene un nivel de nunca con un 41%. Concluyendo que el coeficiente de correlación Rho de Spearman obtuvo un valor de 0.821 que indica una correlación positiva alta, indicando que existe relación significativa entre el Sistema de Control Interno y la Gestión Institucional de la Unidad de Gestión Educativa Local Alto Amazonas – Yurimaguas 2020

    Inversión pública en educación y su relación con los logros de aprendizaje en estudiantes de segundo grado de educación primaria, en la región San Martín

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    The purpose of the research carried out is to determine how public investment in the field of the education sector is related to and affects the level and learning achievements of children in the second grade of primary education in the San Martin region, in which Information from the SIAF DRE was collected to develop the objectives, for the treatment and presentation of the information, tables and bar graphs were used, as well as statistical analysis to later describe the results. The methodology focused on a non-experimental research and correlational descriptive design where the documentary heritage was taken as a population concerning the investments made by the State and the achievements of the students, at the level of all the educational centers of the region of San Martin. After obtaining the results, it was concluded that there is a low investment in terms of infrastructure, strengthening of teaching capacities, expenses in equipment, educational materials at the primary level, and the management itself, due to the fact that in the periods of study, only 10.09% was invested, unlike payroll expenses, which reached 89.91%, which does not allow the learning achievements of the students to increase favorably.La investigación realizada tiene como finalidad determinar cómo es que la inversión pública en el ámbito del sector educación se relaciona y repercute sobre el nivel y los logros de aprendizaje en los niños del segundo grado de educación primaria en la región de San Martin, en la que se recolecto información del SIAF DRE para desarrollar los objetivos, para el tratamiento y presentación de la información, se empleó tablas y gráficos de barras, así como análisis estadístico para luego describir los resultados. La metodología se enfocó en una investigación de tipo no experimental y diseño descriptiva correlacional donde se tuvo como población al acervo documentario concerniente a las inversiones realizadas por el Estado y los logros de los estudiantes, a nivel de todos los centros educativos de la región de San Martín. Luego de obtener los resultados, se llegó a la concluir que existe una baja inversión en cuanto a infraestructura, fortalecimientos de las capacidades docentes, gastos en equipamientos, materiales educativos en el nivel primario, y la gestión en sí, debido a que en los períodos de estudio solo se alcanzó a invertir un 10.09% a diferencia de los gastos en planilla que se alcanzó un 89.91%, el que no permite que los logros de aprendizaje de los alumnos se incrementen favorablement

    Gestión institucional y desempeño docente en la institución educativa Miguel Chuquisengo Ramírez, Tarapoto

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    The objective of the research was to establish the relationship between institutional management and teaching performance in the Miguel Chuquisengo Ramirez educational institution, district of Tarapoto, 2019. The study was of a descriptive correlational type, where a questionnaire of questions was applied to a sample of 23 collaborators, tables, graphs and statistical formulas were also used, reaching the conclusion that the Institutional Management is qualified as deficient in 48%, due to the fact that the institution does not fully promote the participation of the teacher in the elaboration of the management documents, which generates discomfort and disagreements. Likewise, the performance of the teachers is qualified as regular in 43%, that is, they do not show a high or low performance, because not all the teachers present their planning documents in a timely manner considering the commitments of school management. In this sense, the hypothesis testing was carried out, which led to the conclusion that there is a relationship between the variables, since the "p" value obtained is less than 0.05. Likewise, because the "r" value is 0.585, it indicates a moderate positive correlationLa investigación presento como objetivo Establecer la relación entre la gestión institucional y el desempeño docente en la institución educativa Miguel Chuquisengo Ramírez, distrito de Tarapoto, 2019. El estudio fue de tipo descriptivo correlacional, donde se aplicó un cuestionario de preguntas a una muestra de 23 colaboradores, asimismo se utilizó tablas, gráficos y formulas estadísticas, llegando a la conclusión que la Gestión institucional es calificada deficiente en un 48%, debido, ya que en la institución no se promueve en su totalidad la participación del docente en la elaboración de los documentos de gestión, la cual genera molestia y desacuerdos. Asimismo, el desempeño de los docentes, es calificado regular en un 43% es decir, no muestran un desempeño alto ni bajo, debido a que no todos los docentes, presenta oportunamente sus documentos de planificación considerando los compromisos de gestión escolar. En ese sentido se realizó la contrastación de hipótesis que llevo a concluir que existe relación entre las variables, ya que el valor “p” obtenido es menor a 0.05. Así mismo, debido a que el valor “r” es de 0,585, indica una correlación positiva moderada

    Comportamiento inadecuado en el aula y el rendimiento académico de los estudiantes I.E.S.T. Amazónico de Tarapoto

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    This research aims to demonstrate the relationship between inappropriate behavior in the classroom and the academic performance of the students of the IEST Amazônico. The problem raised was how inappropriate behavior in the classroom is related to academic performance. The general hypothesis holds that inappropriate behavior in the classroom is directly related to the academic performance of the students of the I cycle of Administration of the "Amazonian" Technological Institute of Higher Education and the general objective was to determine the degree of relationship that exists between these variables. study. The research was non-experimental correlational descriptive; the study population was made up of 56 students of the I cycle of administration of which a sample of 15 students identified with inappropriate behavior problems has been taken. The results have been presented using tables that explain and interpret the results obtained. To establish the degree of relationship or dependence between the variables, the Correlation Coefficient formula was used, and the t-student through which the existing relationship has been demonstrated, reaching the main conclusion that there is a negative relationship between the inappropriate behavior in the classroom and the academic performance of the students of the IEST Amazonico 2014.La presente investigación, pretende demostrar la relación que existe entre el comportamiento inadecuado en las aulas y el rendimiento académico de los estudiantes del IEST Amazónico. El problema planteado fue de qué manera se relaciona el comportamiento inadecuado en el aula y el rendimiento académico. La hipótesis general sostiene que el comportamiento inadecuado en el aula tiene relación directa con el rendimiento académico de los estudiantes del I ciclo de Administración del Instituto de Educación Superior Tecnológico “Amazónico” y el objetivo general fue determinar el grado de relación que existe entre éstas variables de estudio. La investigación fue descriptiva correlacional no experimental, la población de estudio estuvo conformada por 56 estudiantes del I ciclo de administración de los cuales se ha tomado una muestra de 15 alumnos identificados con problemas de comportamiento inadecuado. Los resultados se han presentado haciendo uso de tablas que explican e interpretan los resultados obtenidos. Para establecer el grado de relación o dependencia entre las variables se utilizó la fórmula del Coeficiente de Correlación, y la t-student a través de los cuales se ha demostrado la relación existente, arribándose a la conclusión principal de que existe una relación negativa entre el comportamiento inadecuado en las aulas y el rendimiento académico de los estudiantes del IEST Amazónico 2014

    Efectos del taller mejorando nuestra gestión pedagógica en la elaboración del proyecto curricular de la I.E, “Miguel Chuquisengo Ramírez”, Tarapoto.

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    This thesis is the result of the application of the Workshop Improving our pedagogical management, which makes it possible to improve the Curriculum Project of an educational institution (PCIE) as an instrument of pedagogical management, of methodology of the research-action type and of the quantitative level and was developed with teachers from the Miguel Chuquisengo Ramírez Educational Institution in the province of San Martín, District of Tarapoto. The objective of this research work is to determine the influence of the workshop on the improvement of the curricular project of the educational institution in question. The sample consisted of 19 teachers of the institution, the data collection was carried out through the pre and posttest, for the verification of the hypothesis the statistical parameter T-student was used.Resumen La presente tesis es el resultado de la aplicación del Taller Mejorando nuestra gestión pedagógica, que hace posible el mejoramiento del Proyecto Curricular de institución educativa (PCIE) como instrumento de gestión pedagógica, de metodología de tipo investigación –acción y del nivel cuantitativa y fue desarrollada con docentes de la Institución Educativa Miguel Chuquisengo Ramírez de la provincia de San Martín, Distrito de Tarapoto. El objetivo del presente trabajo de investigación, es determinar la influencia del taller en el mejoramiento del proyecto curricular de la institución educativa en mención. La muestra estuvo conformada por 19 docentes de la institución, la recolección de datos se efectuó mediante el pre y post test, para la contratación de la hipótesis se utilizó el parámetro estadístico T-student. Una vez fectuada la prueba de hipótesis y contrastadas las mismas se ha llegado a la conclusión que la influencia del taller “mejorando nuestra gestión pedagógica” ha sido significativa lo que implica que el proyecto curricular de institución educativa (PCIE) ha sido mejorado en todos sus componentes

    Increased incidence of postoperative infections during prophylaxis with cephalothin compared to doxycycline in intestinal surgery

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The antibiotics used for prophylaxis during surgery may influence the rate of surgical site infections. Tetracyclines are attractive having a long half-life and few side effects when used in a single dose regimen. We studied the rate of surgical site infections during changing regimens of antibiotic prophylaxis in medium and major size surgery.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Prospective registration of surgical site infection following intestinal resections and hysterectomies was performed. Possible confounding procedure and patient related factors were registered. The study included 1541 procedures and 1489 controls. The registration included time periods when the regimen was changed from doxycycline to cephalothin and back again.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The SSI in the colorectal department increased from 19% to 30% (p = 0.002) when doxycycline was substituted with cephalothin and decreased to 17% when we changed back to doxycycline (p = 0.005). In the gynaecology department the surgical site infection rate did not increase significantly. Subgroup analysis showed major changes in infections in rectal resections from 20% to 35% (p = 0.02) and back to 12% (p = 0.003).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Doxycycline combined with metronidazole, is an attractive candidate for antibiotic prophylaxis in medium and major size intestinal surgery.</p